Comprehensive retirement planning
The plan for the best years of your life
Many people do feel anxious when thinking or planning for retirement because they've never done it before. But we found that if we walk you through the planning process and pull together the data and facts, understanding who you love and how you want to live in retirement we are then able develop a comprehensive retirement plan. Then the unknown becomes known and greatly reduces your stress and increases your ability to achieve it. Of course, there are people who just want to wing it and quite honestly some of them are just fine. They can have high stress. Why? Because they don't know if they're getting a good enough return on their investments to keep from running out of money and I have to go to Plan B. They don't know how inflation will affect their assets or their standard of living in the future. They don't know how the unforeseen will affect them or their spouse. This is especially risky for the spouse who is left after the first one dies, and the income is cut substantially.
Planning is really thinking about the possibilities good and bad and preparing for them beforehand. I would liken that to having a fire extinguisher or fire insurance on your house. Who would go on a long trip and not calculate the cost and plan the route? If you don't have a plan, then you're not really sure where you're going.
So let's start the planning process so you understand: how much you can spend without running out of money, how inflation will affect your income, how your portfolios risk and return effect your standard of living. Are you getting the most from Social Security, Medicare and your pension? If you or your spouse were to pass away would the remaining spouse become impoverished?
The first step to putting together a retirement plan would be our initial meeting in person or zoom so I can begin to understand what is important to you who you love what you'd like to have happen. How do you envision your retirement? Where will you live, and what will you do? This will help me to understand what and who is important to you and what goals and concerns you have. The needs that you want to make sure happen and wishes you would like to have happen.
Step 2 would be pulling together the data then addressing your questions as we review a first draft. We will continue to dig a little deeper if needed and make adjustments.
Step 3 would be to deliver the final report and make any final adjustments to achieve or stay on your plan. Then get together every year or so to make changes as your life changes.
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